
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Labor of Love

Share    Each time I meet up with any of my close girlfriends, there is a particularly fun path our conversations seem to navigate through.  We take leisurely strolls around the details of our love lives, quick circuits around work or school, and broad laps around miscellaneous... stuff.  We are also always sure to check in with quick updates about our current hair regimens.

I love how animated we always become as we reenact various “wash-day ” sequences, complete with step by step fusions of conditioners, shampoos, pre-poo treatments, oils, moisturizers, combs, brushes, etc.  As we list out our regimens, we’re all always adamant about how necessary each product or step usually is. 

Yes, it often can be that involved.  However, I believe that healthy hair is another life practice that requires a person’s mindset to undergo a reshaping of sorts.   

I equate having healthy hair to having a healthy dental regimen, or, to exercising and having a healthy diet.  It is a lifestyle change that a person must implement, and adhere to, in order, to achieve an end goal.   

I’ve had to mentally recondition myself, to accept whatever it was that my hair required of me.
I had a goal of how I wanted my hair to look, and in order to achieve it, I decided to swallow up any frustrations I had about working with my hair.  I did acknowledge them, but, I also methodically attacked each one.  
 I incorporated finger detangling, when I started to notice tiny broken hairs in the teeth of my combs.  I learned to detangle with a runny conditioner that had an almost egg-like consistency, so that my coils would easily slide past each other with decreased friction, instead of using an uber thick conditioner that seemed to glue my strands together.  And, when it came to the hours long detangling sessions that my dense hair required, I queued up my Nollywood favorites, assembled my brushes and spray bottle mixes, and I got to work.   

Is it counter-intuitive to say that I’ve found freedom while working within the constraints of my hair?
The Hair

4 weeks since last detangle and deep condition

The Players

VO5 Moisture Milks Moisturizing Conditioner
VO5 V05 Conditioner Moisture Milks Passion Fruit Smoothie 15 oz

Plain Greek -Style Yogurt

Goody Volume Root Lifter Brush


Coconut Oil

The Technique

Every 2-4 weeks, I detangle and deep condition.  By this time, my hair is usually incredibly matted in some areas and tangled in others.  I attribute this tangling to two factors: 1- My hair sheds.  Alot.  2- I relegate brush/comb use to only wash days.  

I gently finger detangle with coconut oil and a bit of V05 Moisture Milk conditioner to remove as much loose shed hair as possible.
1/4th of hair post finger detangling

This is the lengthiest part of my process, as the tiniest and most delicate coils on my head are around the perimeter, so I take extra care here.  After finger detangling, I use my brush to again work through each section of hair.  I aim to be as thorough as possible, because I know I will not brush or comb my hair until my next wash day.
Hair at 2 years old
I experimented with Greek yogurt last year, and I've since incorporated it into my regimen.  I alternate between it and mashed avocados to deep condition my hair.  Apart from the penetrating qualities that they both have, they also leave my hair feeling very fortified and smooth afterwards.
My entire head is coated with the yogurt, and left  under a cap for an hour.
 Hair at 3 years old
I rinse my hair with water, and I shampoo if it is necessary.  Finally, my hair is plaited for stretching in preparation for the week's style. 


  1. I am getting really lazy about wash days! Your hair is gorgeous dear :)! That reminds me i have to wash my hair today after work because i avoided doing it over the weekend :(

    1. Aww, girl, you and me both. I need to wash mine, but I've been procrastinating.

  2. I love the yogurt idea! I must try it... Geri darling, can please post a picture of your hair prior to this length? The old days ... ;-)

  3. You and your hair are just incredibly beautiful.

    I just recently big chopped, and I am still a bit confused about my hair regimen, what to do and what not to, products etc.

    Please do you have any ideas from your early big chop days? Some direction on where to go next would be greatly appreciated.

    Thank you. =)

  4. Hi Dolapo! Thank you so much!

    I'm definitely going to be doing a post on when I first BC'd very soon. Hang in there.

  5. Have you done a length check for the blog? I would love to see it. Please.
    And I love your philosophy. I NEED to recondition myself as well. After all great hair doesn't come by chance. I need to put in the effort. Thanks a lot

    1. Hi O.A.Eddy,

      Yeah, it really does take a different mindset. I will be updating with a length check soon.

  6. What's the name of your blog. I've been looking for a 4c natural hair blogger with very little success.

  7. What's the name of your blog. I've been looking for a 4c natural hair blogger with very little success.

  8. What's the name of your blog. I've been looking for a 4c natural hair blogger with very little success.
