
Monday, June 4, 2012

Zina Saro-Wiwa: Black Women’s Transitions to Natural Hair

Roughly about a month ago, I attended a Natural hair meetup in Union Square, hosted by Nneka of Darker Than Brown.  I met up with a good girlfriend at Vapiano, and together, we had a pretty awesome time.
Okay, so to be honest, I'm an awkward girl.  I've totally come to accept and even embrace this aspect about myself-i.e. classic introvert- (quick wave to my fellow brethren out there).  So, meeting and conversing with new people, are acts I approach very tentatively.
However, at this particular meetup, I never really got a chance to stand back and observe people, like I normally would.  Instead, my hair was the unwitting star of the event, as I was tugged and literally jostled from girl to girl, to give a detailed rundown of my hair regimen.  One attendee even made a comment about my hair being her idol that night, and I had to quickly school my features to hide my amazement. I mean, I'm Geri- overdramatic, awkward, and goofy.  Moreover, the room was overflowing with equally drool-worthy natural hair eye candy.
One of the attendees, Zina Saro-Wiwa was documenting the meetup.  Quick blurb:  She is a British-Nigerian filmmaker who directed This is my Africa *highly recommended*.  Her father is the late Ken Saro-Wiwa, who was a Nigerian human rights activist who campaigned against vast human rights violations caused by the Royal Dutch Shell company in the Niger Delta.

She was documenting women who were transitioning into being relaxer free.  When she found out I was Nigerian, she was adamant that I be in her documentary.  I'm totally over the moon about it, and I'm glad to be a real part of the natural hair story for the new age.

You can see me fluffing my hair *grin* at 2:29, and again at the end with some of the beautiful meetup attendees.



  1. I KNEW it was you!!! Noticed your hair in the documentary and then as soon as I saw your bglh feature, I recognised your hair immediately.

    Not stalking, honest!

    Great blog, AMAZING hair!

  2. Ha ha! Nibi, thank you so much hon! The internet makes the world smaller, you know? BTW, you were one of the Naija natural hair bloggers I was ecstatic to find online. :o)

  3. This warms my heart!...I have never been to a natural hair meet up. I hope to attend one soon :0)

    Everyone in that pic looks amazing!

    I'm also an

    *goes off to look up "This is my Africa"

    1. Yay! Yeah, they're actually fun! I mean, you can gist for hours about hair with folks, and no one will give you the side eye.

  4. Aww, *blushes*

    By the way, I sent an email to what I think is your email address. Did you get it?

    1. Lol, it's true!

      Hey, I checked all over and didn't see it. Would you mind resending it here:
