
Friday, January 25, 2013

Pin Curls- Flapper(esque)

Uh huh!  Cute right? 
Thanks to Jerseystylezz's rendition, I've finally gotten pin curls (with twisted hair) right. 
Thanks girl!
4b hair pin curls,
Here's a style that medium to thin density naturals can rock divinely, as I think that the closer the pin curls are to the scalp, the better the style comes across.  Thicker and longer hair can prove to be trickier to handle, since the length/thickness can lend to a certain bulkiness.  For instance, on my head, I craftily resorted to using a bandana to effectively smoosh down the flat coils of twisted hair in a manner that was practical, yet tasteful.  Without it, the pin curls never looked quite right.
4c pin curls, finger waves,
Sidenote: Notice how no scalp is visible, whatsoever?  
A neat way to help gauge the density of your hair (thin, medium, thick) is to observe whether you ever see your scalp during your casual or day to day styling.  This could be through the ordinary parting or sectioning of your hair that you would do regularly for various styles; or perhaps, after styling, when areas of your scalp  are exposed (without intentional parting).  I rarely see my own scalp(edges not included), unless I specifically and intentionally part through my hair with a comb. 
Tip 1:  You can also choose to observe your hair when it's wet.

Sunrises and sunsets ago, I was a sprightly tomboy.  Already aware that there must've been a ton of hair, per square inch on my head, I was always the antsy child who'd furtively rake fingers over sections of her loose hair, assessing how much progress the reigning hair braider had made on her head.  Often, I'd dejectedly expel an impatient huff of breath, upon realizing that there was hair upon hair still leftover to braid.  My aunt, fastidiously laboring away on my head, once remarked, her voice slightly elevated in mild bewilderment, 
"Ha!  Ijeoma, there's just so much!"
4c hair, pin curls,
On Lips: OCC Liptar in NSFW

My hair wasn't as long then as it is today (she calls me Ije with the big big hair ^_^), and I don't even dare ask her to braid my hair now, although she's jokingly offered before.  
It's possibly obsessive- okay, it IS obsessive, but I'm always hesitant to relinquish the ownership I have with my hair to anyone else, even if good intentions abound.  
Not after all that hard work dammit.

Contrarily, it IS just hair, right?  Kinda?
Caution, wind, and all that?  Maybe one day.

4b hair,
On Lips: OCC Liptar in Hoochie and Anime

The pin curls were so easy to do, that I'm embarrassed that my past TWO attempts were such ugly failures

For this style, I grasped two loose twists apiece, and wrapped them around my index and second fingers.  Imagine the motion you would use if you were to coil up a garden hose, or a rope.  I began at the ends of the twists and I wound them around my fingers until I reached the base (my roots).  Then, I pinned the coiled twists down with bobby pins.  I repeated this all over my head.  Once done, my head sorta resembled a textured cap.  

Still cute though!

Loose twists= my new boyfriend.  
How many ways can I extol your awesomeness??


  1. I feel you! I am so in love with my loose twists! I'll be wearing them in my hair exclusively for the rest of the winter and possibly throughout the spring. I pin curl my hair at night but take them down in the morning for a curly look. I'll have to try just rocking them as is and tying a scarf around them to jazz it up.

    1. So you're planning on going strong till Spring? Yep. Me too. I better have some real growth, because I think I stagnated last year.

      I'll have to try pin curling at night and loosening them up in the morning now. I didn't keep these pin curls in for long at all- took 'em out the same night I put them in. Curious to see if the curls last.

  2. This is really cute!! Would it work for me? Hmmm....I dont have plenty hair like you o. When I take down these tiny twists I have on I will try it out. But with bigger twists sha. Thanks for sharing!
    And not to worry, you are not the only one who wont allow just anyone have a go at her hair....all the wahala and one then person would just destroy it with my approval....No,thank you!

    1. It should work, just make sure you have plenty of pins and then if your hair still isn't flat enough, use a scarf or something to hold it down. Lol.

      And thank you!! Lol, people think it's being extra, but they don't understand the literal time and effort it took get here.

      Someone promises to hook you up, and 123, your're left with jagga jagga hair wondering why you didn't just refuse them in the first place. Abeg o. Lol.

  3. thank you for posting what you wear on your hair is so freaking fine. the only time, I dont ee ny scalp is when its wet...and still...but it's my mother family,they all hve hair like freaking thin

    1. Lip color details? No prb babe!

      Yeah, I know thinner textures can be challenging sometimes.
      Hey! Have you checked out Coilybella ( and nalia1908 (youtube) before?

      They offer very good tips and styles for naturals with thinner density.

  4. Hiya, new reader here! This is a pretty look. I love how you style your hair and it makes me long for long natural hair

    1. Thank you Beeba, and welcome! You'll get there soon. Just stay the course :-)

  5. Ever consider colouring your hair?

    1. I have. Yes! I'm still afraid though. Researching.
