
Sunday, March 8, 2015

International Women's Day #DearMe

Image Credit massmedia
Hi hi hi.

"Women hold up half the sky." Mao Zedong  (by way of Thomas Sankara)
One of my favorite quotes of all time.  When I think of it, my insides get full, my throat fills with emotion, and I feel super charged.  Hell yeah we hold up half of the sky, often without credit.  We're connected and strong, with the energy of the universe moving through us.

I wanted to film my contribution to the #DearMe tag that has been floating around.  But, I've always been better with the written word.  My letter is addressed to me at 13.  I was in the 7th grade, unassuming and uncertain, but observant and sharp.  Reflecting back; I feel that I was always uncertain, always a little afraid...

Dear Ijeoma,

How are you, little girl?  
For real nne'm.  How is your spirit?  
I know that you're feeling uncertain about yourself.  Your accent is different and it makes you feel insecure.  You think that perhaps, if you keep your head down, focus on your school work, and obey your parents, everything that seems unfair to you now, will have been worth it in the future.  Those are the rules.  The way things should work.  Trials, tribulations, hard work, they all eventually pay out.

But Ijeoma, my love, listen-  there aren't any rules.  Even if you do everything the way you should, life will still surprise you.  Open your watchful eyes and learn as much as you can.  Always be willing to accept the lesson the universe is teaching you.  You won't get them at first.  You won't know that you're being trained.  But do your best to keep listening and watching.
You'll hit several hiccups.  But yours is a fiery spirit.  You resilient girl, you will get back up and push through, every single time.
Your heart will be broken.  It will heal.
Friends will fall by the wayside.  Let them go.
You will find love, many times over, and you'll feel blessed.
You'll go natural.  Go natural sooner.  It will be one of the best decisions in your life.
Follow your passions.  You have talents that others will not notice, immediately.  Leave them.  Don't look to them to validate your dreams.  You can't expect that of anyone who isn't you.  Do everything that scares you to death.  Always try to push yourself towards new experiences.
Read. Run. Workout.
 Eat the same way you do at home - veggies and water.   You'll always look younger than your age, but your body will be healthier. 
Don't censor yourself so much.  Don't worry about what others think.  Your own words and feelings have merit and worth.  
Get out of your head sometimes.  But, don't feel guilty if it's how you like to spend your time.  Don't mind the ones who judge.  
Embrace being kinda weird.  
It's okay.
  You're the only one of you that has ever been and who will ever be.  
Invent twitter or something!
Be self aware.  Be strong.  Be vulnerable.  Remain soft.   Remain honest.   Remain kind.  Remain passionate.

With all the love in the world-

Ijeoma circa 2015


  1. I enjoyed reading this Geraldine...very insightful and it just shows your a good person who thinks about life in a positive way. Glad you went natural....:)
