
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Dry Wash and Go Revisited

I was headed out, they were headed in.  We converged at the doorway simultaneously, the bottleneck causing me to glance up from my phone.
"You guys, go ahead." I smiled as I stood aside, waiting for my two coworkers to step through.  They did, but one paused and turned back towards me, inquisitively.  Her eyes were bright, and her lips parted.  She hesitated, as if she were carefully choosing which words she wanted to use first.
As I moved towards the doorway, she spoke, 

"You never do anything to your hair.  Does it give you a hard time?"

Record scratch.  Ma'am?
I turned around, and looked at her.  She met my eyes, politely assessing me.  My hair was in a bun, and I'd switched into my more comfortable ballet flats.  My textured black pumps were splayed out haphazardly underneath my desk.  The work day was almost over, and I had gone for a quick water run.  She was polished, with neat and luscious locs that cascaded down her shoulders.  Her skin gleamed, her teeth beamed, her perfectly hydrated locs swayed... I sheepishly patted my hair.  

Okay, so maybe I was slumming a little this week, but even if I was, it would be my prerogative, no?

"I'm sorry?" I asked.  Girl, come again? 
"You're natural aren't you?  How come you don't style it up more often?"  See my life?  Some people have no chill, y'all.

The irony lol.
A number of years ago, I had a similar interaction with another loc'd coworker.  That time, he'd praised me for big chopping my hair, and he'd told me I reminded him of his daughter.  While I was busy feeling surges of warmth and acceptance, he'd asked if I would eventually loc.
It's amusing when co-workers urge me to 'show off' my hair, as if I'm being given permission.  
Style it for us! 
I find it even more amusing, since protective styling is a major element in my healthy hair journey.  It keeps my life simple and it allows my hair to thrive.  That aside, I'm one of the ones whose work persona (including hair manifestations) is completely different from real life. I fervently believe in the separation of the two, call me schizo.
But, speaking of protective styling- it's finally getting warmer in New York, so I tried out a wash and go.  It's been over a year since I last wore one, and I was a little nervous about it trying it again.  However, it worked out really well, and I was able to wear it for an entire week and some extra days. 
The video's up for your viewing pleasure.


  1. I fervently believe in the separation between the two too. Welcome back btw. You have been missed.

  2. Hi! I hope you see this question to answer. It was about the comment from your coworkers. Personally, I get a lot of the same questions from university because I am one of the few naturals, as well as one of the few free. I was wondering how you contend with those comments like the ones from the coworkers. When I go to school, I typically go with it in twists that I let go stale, buns if I have the time etc. So, they aren't overwhelmingly cute. I love my hair but the comments are getting a bit tiring. Any advice please? How do you not internalize the comments?

    1. Mmh! Hey girl :-)

      I'll be honest, I'm definitely an 'internaliser' too. I over analyze everything to a fault.
      But what I've been doing is to ask the commenter to explain what they are saying to me.

      Sometimes, I've found that some people don't realize how their words come across. Sometimes, they don't care. I still like to get them to explain what they are saying, that way at least I'm clear on if I should be bothered or not.

      I do my hair for myself, as you probably do too. If people enjoy the hairstyles, then it's a bonus, but it's definitely not the sole reason.
